Friday, April 6, 2012

Writing the Demo

Writing the past two days in small chunks.  Have been trying to find some way to code at my breaks at work, but find it very awkward without my laptop.

Anyways, will finally get some big blocks of time this weekend to put this together!

Things I'm going to have to learn about: variables.

Useful to know: the command 'pass'.  I have a couple of menus with options that don't necessarily change the game in anyway, just make the reader hopefully feel more immersed.

I'd love to make those options have impact later on, but at this point they don't have any really impact in the demo.

Does this post even make any sense?  Argh.


  1. Variables are your friends. :)

    Let me know if you need any help.

    a.k.a. SusanTheCat

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Aw, thanks for the offer, Susan! I'll let you know if I need help. You rock!

      And thanks for checking out my blog. I feel a little less lonely, given that just about everyone I've told about my project either started cracking up or was like "WTF?" (Shakes fist.)

      (Gosh, I just replied and it looked like there were 2 replies, and then I deleted one and they BOTH disappeared.)

    3. Blog spot ate a couple of my replies too.

